Birthday and general Wish list: (** = things high on priority list)
Packer socks - I just decided I needed Packer socks.

Clintonville Highschool Letterman's jacket

Seafarers of the Catan ( or the actual store or a hobby/game store)

Cities and Knights of Catan ( or the actual store or hobby/game store)

**Dungeons and Dragons Clue ( or or Games Universe Store or hobby/game store)

Arc the Lad for PS2

Suikoden One (since I seem to have lost my copy *frown*)

Suikoden IV for PS2

Movies/TV DVDs:
M*A*S*H - 5th Season DVD collection

Dick Van Dyke Show season DVDs

Little House on the Prairie Season DVDs

Finding Nemo

Firefly (Season DVDs)

Ship of Magic (LiveShip Traders Bk 1) by Robin Hobb
Mad Ship (liveship traders bk 2)
Ship of Destiny (liveship traders bk 3)
(all Robin Hobb)(all paperbacks)

Spiderwick Series Boxset (Diterlitzi and Holly somebody)

Dead Sea Cipher - by Elizabeth Peters (paperback)
Night Train to Memphis by Elizabeth Peters (paperback)

Shattered Silk by Barbara Michaels (PB)

Stitches in Time by Barbara Michaels (PB)

George Harrison - Brainwashed

Legend of Sleepy Hollow Soundtrack (the Johnny Depp Movie version)

Wild Arms Sound track from the Anime series (um, Triple something) (see Lost World of Wonders)

**iTunes gift card (Target)

Gift certs for Art from and/or

target gift card

picture frames various sizes

Michaels Craft Store gift card so I can get some posters and larger custom pictures framed

sticky lizards (the kind that you can throw and will stick to the ceiling)

PlayStation 2

Desk chair

$25-40 membership to Eisner Museum (or membership to any other museum in Milwaukee county)